A man stormed the field minutes before last night's World Cup final and thrust a red woolly hat on to the trophy before being hauled away by police.

The intruder was wearing a T-shirt saying Salta Salta Jimmy Jump Against Racism, as he sprinted on to the pitch in Soccer City, Johannesburg.

The pitch invader Jimmy Jump has a website dedicated to his antics.

He most recently invaded the stage during Spain's performance at the 2010 Eurovision song Contest.

He has previously entered the pitch during the 2007 Rugby World Cup final between England and South Africa.

His website reads: "Jimmy has travel over the world to try jump in the most important events."

South African police said the man was "asking for serious trouble". Spokesman Colonel Vishnu Naidoo said he was in custody and will be charged.

He added: "Officers had him under control within seconds. We take a very dim view of something like this."