Drawing on current debates in postmodern feminism, feminist philosophy of science, anti-racist/postcolonial studies and queer theory, this book considers the way in which discourse fabricates the ideal' male body, sexual identity and sexual ...
Offering a sociological perspective, this book critically examines the dimensions and implications of ‘digital health’, a term that is often ill defined, but signifies the promise of technology to ‘empower’ individuals and improve ...
Drawing on current debates in postmodern feminism, feminist philosophy of science, anti-racist//postcolonial studies and queer theory, this book considers the way in which discourse fabricates the `ideal' male body, sexual identity and ...
This book will be an invaluable source for those seeking to understand the social, cultural and political significance of ‘the body’ in contemporary society.
This volume addresses the emerging social and political consequences of the new genetics and provides a critique of current research and practice in public health.
However, hope has been examined mainly from psychological and biomedical perspectives. Importantly, Hope in Health explores how hope manifests and is sustained in various arenas of health, medicine and healthcare.
Each outbreak presents new challenges but the responses are often similar. This important book explores the dimensions, dynamics and implications of emerging pandemic societies.