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inauthor: Alan Petersen from
This is important in a complex and ever-changing situation involving a dynamic interplay between local, regional and global factors.
inauthor: Alan Petersen from
It tells the story of a people trapped in ideological folly spawned to solve 'the half-caste problem'. It gives life to those generations of Aboriginal people assumed to have no history and whose past labels them only as shadowy figures.
inauthor: Alan Petersen from
This book examines how national and ethnic identities are being reforged in the post-Soviet borderland states.
inauthor: Alan Petersen from
Hanlon uses the vast body of oral tradition to relate the early history of Pohnpei, including the story of the building of a huge complex of artificial stone islets, Nan Madol.
inauthor: Alan Petersen from
Ultimately, Doing Literary Criticism offers teachers a rich set of materials and tools to help their students become more confident and able readers, writers, and critical thinkers.
inauthor: Alan Petersen from
... Alan . " Ecological Aspects of Equestrian Adaptations in Aboriginal North America . " American Anthropologist 85 ... Petersen , Shannon . “ Bison to Blue Whales : Protecting Endangered Species before the Endangered Species Act of ...
inauthor: Alan Petersen from
... Alan Leshner ; National Advisory Mental Health Council , Minutes of the 160th Meeting , Nov. 1989 . 29 . National ... Petersen , Our Daily Meds ( New York : Farrar , Straus & Giroux / Sarah Crichton Books , 2008 ) , 126–28 . 4. C ...
inauthor: Alan Petersen from
This handbook presents the state of the art of quantitative methods and models to understand and assess the science and technology system.
inauthor: Alan Petersen from
Children, Doctors, Big Pharma, and the Making of an American Epidemic Alan Schwarz. CHAPTER 6 : JAMISON 85 How's it work for you ?: This and all other such conversations recalled in detail by Jamison Monroe in author interviews , 2013–16 ...
inauthor: Alan Petersen from
... Alan H. Welch and Kenneth G. Stollenwerk (Norwell, Mass.: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003), 331. 3. Peter Neilsen, Missoula City-County Health Department, personal communication, 10/14/2009; notes in author's possession. 4. Kevin ...