Dr Ricardo Blaug. Connect. Contact Details. UoW Email: University of Westminster. 309 Regent Street London W1B 2HW
Democracy, real and ideal : discourse ethics and radical politics / Ricardo Blaug · Albany : State University of New York Press, c1999 · xv, 229 p. ; 24 cm.
At a time when democracy appears to be universally acclaimed as the only acceptable form of government, it is all the more necessary to be clear about what ...
Communication on Ricardo Blaug "Between Fear and Disappointment: Critical, Empirical and Political Uses of Habermas". Andrew Chadwick.
Ricardo Blaug, University of Westminster: 16 Followers, 3 Following, 39 Research papers. Research interests: Middle East, Middle East Politics, ...
Democracy, Real and Ideal: Discourse Ethics and Radical Politics. By Ricardo Blaug. About this book · SUNY Press. Pages displayed by permission of SUNY ...
pp. 7--30. Causation: A User's Guide.Raffaella Campaner - 2014 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 28 (2):221-223. Review essay : The new ...
This paper presents a critical assessment of current initiatives to deepen democracy and seeks to examine why they often fail.
Co-ordinator Democracy Education Network. 2008-2011. Teaching, Research, Administration and Student Support on BA, MA and PhD degrees.
Democracy is an essential collection of source texts by major historical figures on the value of democracy, key concepts and practices, theoretical ...