Henry Mills Alden. maintain their power at Washington , the Navy Board remaining supreme in author- ity , in fact , until the administration of Mr. Tyler , when there was a reorganization of the civil branch of the service , several bu ...
... HENRY C. SCHADEBERG . I should like to remind the Members that it is a beautiful Center , and it will be , but it is ... THOMPSON of New Jersey . Mr. Chairman , I would like to express my wholehearted appreciation and admira- tion ...
... Thompson , D. D. This is the latest issue in the series of hand- books ... in author- ship and what they say ought to command at- tention . Indeed ... Henry Edward Crampton . A collection of lectures under the Hewitt Foundation ...
Sir Henry Thompson. FIMBRIATED PAPILLOMA : MICROSCOPIC APPEARANCE . 413 through insensible gradations to the ... of fimbriated papilloma , slender filaments ; drawn from a specimen in author's collection . the last - named growth ...
Sir Henry Thompson. WITH STONE SMALL , LITHOTRITY ALMOST ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL . 215 phosphatic salts are encrusted , and as the deposit goes on , a more or less spheroidal body is produced , the attachment of which to the encysted calculus ...
... IN Author of ' Renaissance Studies , ' & c . Crown 3s . 6d . net ... THOMPSON , in the Academy . " One of the very best in the whole sequence of ... HENRY HARLAND . With 20 Full - Page Drawing 50 Vignettes , Title - Page ...
... Henry R. Hopkins , Chairman , Committee on Public Health submitted his ... in author- ity the importance of the most intelligent study of this question of ... Thompson ; Secretary , Franklin C. Gram ; Treasurer , Albert T. Lytle ...
... Thompson , Sir E : Maunde . Shakespeare's handwriting ; a study . [ N. Y. , Oxford Univ . ] '16 12 + 63 p . il . pls . ( part double ) facsms . sq . O bds . $ 4 n . Presents the evidence for concluding that the Har- leian MS . 7368 in ...
... Henry M. Thornton , Esq . Melvil Wilson , Esq . Auditors . - Sir George Carroll : Samuel Gurney , jun . , Esq ... THOMPSON , R.A. Will be published in a few days . Small 4to , One Guinea , 1 John Van Voorst , 1 Paternoster Row . 8 ...