... of Society . Mr. Begbie in his remarkable book BROKEN EARTHENWARE ( now ... in Author of " Syrinx . " Resolved Discords . Laurence North " A maiden's ... HENRY YATES THOMPSON , Esq . Committee - Bernard Bosanquet , Esq . , LL.D ...
A Dictionary of Contemporaries, Containing Biographical Notices of Eminent Characters of Both Sexes Thompson ... in author of " An Outline of the Neces ... Henry versities in this country and in Skene , Esq . , Her Majesty's Consul ...
... in author of the " Green Mountain Boys , " " Locke THE HON . D. P. Thompson , of Montpelier , Vt . , preparation , and nearly ready for the press , by Miss Mary L. Booth . Such a work is much Amsden , " and other works of fiction , is ...
... Thompson ( A. Beeby ) -Emergency water sup- plies for military ... in author's handwriting . Roy . 8vo , pp . 321 , 30s ........... LUZAC , May ' 24 ... ( Henry David ) -Where I lived and what I lived for . Ed . limited to 350 ...
A Record of Achievements of the People of the Hudson and Mohawk ... Henry Draper , eldest son of Stephen ( 3 ) and Harriet ( Elliott ) Dra- per ... Thompson , of Lockport , New York , daughter of George B. and Mary ( Avery ) ...
... in AUTHOR PAGE I. Baker Brown , Esq . 217 Dr. Henry Savage 217 1. Baker Brown , Esq . 220 J. Hutchinson , Esq . 221 Dr. G ... Henry Thompson , Esq . 265 ARTICLE AUTHOR PAGE 165 Liquor Opii Sedativus 266 166 Turpentine CONTENTS . vii.
Philip Schaff, Henry Codman Potter, Samuel Macauley Jackson. THE SPRING RESOLUTIONS , 1861 . 387 guiltless , would exhibit that " practical recognition of the right of ... in author- ity over us ; which adds nothing to the terms of ...
... HENRY ( 1845 ) ; ( 1848 ) , Archbishop of Canterbury and Canadian jurist and ... THOMPSON , an American authoress and artist , b . at Harrodsburg , Ky ... in author of : Miss Selina Sue and the Soap painting and has executed ...
... HENRY C. SCHADEBERG . I should like to remind the Members that it is a beautiful Center , and it will be , but it is ... THOMPSON of New Jersey . Mr. Chairman , I would like to express my wholehearted appreciation and admira- tion ...