inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking and Currency. Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Affairs from
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking and Currency. I believe the amendment , under Subsection 3 ( b ) ... Urban Mass Transportation Admin- istration , $ 300,000,000 of useful projects were not acted upon each year ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking and Currency. Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Affairs from
Hearings, Ninety-first Congress, First Session ... United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking and Currency. Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Affairs. I believe the amendment , under Subsection 3 ( b ) , is excellent for it ...
inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking and Currency. Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Affairs from
Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress United States. Congress. eralization and lipservice , as has too often ... sub- committee on Western Hemisphere Af- fairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold a series of ...