Reports and Decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission of the United States United States. Interstate Commerce ... in author- izing the increase of the interstate rates in central freight association territory , and this ...
United States. Interstate Commerce Commission. venience and necessity was essential , and such a showing had not been ... in author- izing the reorganized lessee to operate said lines without first having obtained our approval and ...
United States. Interstate Commerce Commission. to transport liquid chemicals includes the right to transport ... in author- ity to transport " garments . " - Interstate Dress Carriers , Inc. - Investigation and Revocation of ...
... Interstate Commerce Act , as amended , 49 U.S.C. 22 , and are continuing unilateral offers to perform transportation ... Commission in author- izing territory for transportation of explosives recognized that “ * points of origin ...
United States. Interstate Commerce Commission. venience and necessity was essential , and such a showing had not been ... in author- izing the reorganized lessee to operate said lines without first having obtained our approval and ...
... in the United States in the First Six Months of 1910 . THE BULLETIN -OF- GENERAL LIBRARY , UNIV . OF MICH . JUL 28 ... in author- izing the Interstate Commerce Commission to pass upon issues of stocks and bonds . These proposals ...
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 5. Temporary financial assistance ... Commission has jurisdiction to authorize the abandonment of " all or any portion of a line of railroad , or the ...
Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. COMMISSION JURISDICTION , POWERS AND ... States Supreme Court has held that the Interstate Commerce Commission has ... in author- izing the payment of back interest thereon . - Appl . Madison ...
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 5. Temporary financial assistance ... Commission has jurisdiction to authorize the abandonment of " all or any portion of a line of railroad , or the ...
United States. Supreme Court. to or from competitive points , it shall 1 ... Commerce Commission it shall be found that such proposed increase rests upon ... in author- izing such increase , violated the above provision of the ...