Evolving Hierarchical Systems

Evolving Hierarchical Systems

Book by Stanley N. Salthe
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A bold effort to find a functional and transactional framework for synthetic evolutionary theory, "Evolving Hierarchical Systems" seeks to represent the order in nature by discriminating a hierarchical ... Google Books
Originally published: 1985
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Book overview. Seeks to represent the order in nature by discriminating a hierarchical system and defining the logical boundaries of the concepts inherent ...
Evolving Hierarchical Systems. Their Structure and Representation. Stanley N. Salthe. Columbia University Press. Evolving Hierarchical Systems.
Rating (9)
Stanley N. Salthe ... Seeks to represent the order in nature by discriminating a hierarchical system and defining the logical boundaries of the concepts inherent ...
EVOLVING HIERARCHICAL SYSTEMS: THEIR STRUCTURE AND By Stanley N. Salthe 1985 PB ; Condition. Good ; Quantity. 1 available ; Item Number. 166937749952 ; Type.
Title, Evolving Hierarchical Systems: Their Structure and Representation ; Author, Stanley N. Salthe ; Edition, illustrated ; Publisher, Columbia University Press, ...
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Evolving Hierarchical Systems Their Structure and Representation. Salthe, Stanley N. Published by Columbia Univ Pr, 1989. ISBN 10: 0231060173 / ISBN 13 ...
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Overview. Presents metatheory of science from the perspective of a biologist concerned with evolutionary theory.
May 6, 2019 · Presents metatheory of science from the perspective of a biologist concerned with evolutionary theory.
This chapter serves as context for the others just as the next six serve as context for the last two. This work points at ontology much as a compass needle.
Evolving Hierarchical Systems : Their Structure and Representation / Stanley N. Salthe. By: Salthe, Stanley N., author. aut ...