The Colombian conflict, also known as the "internal armed conflict," began in 1964 and is a low-intensity asymmetric war between the government, paramilitary groups, and guerrilla groups.
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Colombia's armed conflict is a direct result of social and political inequality, with poverty concentrated in rural areas.
Colombian conflict

Colombian conflict

The Colombian conflict began on May 27, 1964, and is a low-intensity asymmetric war between the government of Colombia, far-right paramilitary groups and crime syndicates, and far-left guerrilla groups, fighting each other to increase their... Wikipedia
Start date: May 27, 1964
Location: Colombia
Status: Ongoing: Colombia–FARC peace deal in 2016; Start of Catatumbo campaign in 2018
Territorial changes: El Caguán DMZ (1999–2002)
Colombia's 2016 peace accord ended a 50-year conflict between the FARC and the government, leading to a decline in violence.
Colombians have endured more than 40 years of conflict as a result of civil war and the evolving organized criminal activity surrounding the drug market.
Jan 11, 2017 ˇ Colombia's civil conflict, ongoing for over half a century, has left 220,000 dead, 25,000 disappeared, and 5.7 million displaced.
Aug 15, 2024 ˇ The number of Colombians living in areas where armed groups operate has increased by 70 per cent since 2021, reports the Norwegian Refugee ...
Nov 10, 2023 ˇ The Colombian conflict, ongoing for decades, has intensified into armed conflicts in remote regions, violating international humanitarian law.
The 52-year armed conflict between the FARC and the government in Colombia officially ended in 2016, but conflict-related violence continues.
During the last six decades, Colombia has lived through one of the most prolonged armed conflicts in contemporary history. Nearly 20% of the country's ...
Although Colombia's armed conflict is often described as 'low intensity', independent data suggest remarkably high levels of exposure to conflict-related ...