Le Bon Ménage

Le Bon Ménage

One-act by Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian
Le Bon Ménage is a one act comedy by Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian. It was first performed by the Comédie Italienne in 1782. Le Bon ménage is the second of a trilogy of plays called "The Arlequinades" that tell the story of Arlequin, his wife... Wikipedia
Originally published: 1783
Characters: Arlequin; Argentine; Rosalba; Mezzetin; two children
Le Bon Ménage (English: The Good Household) is a one act comedy by Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian. It was first performed by the Comédie Italienne in 1782.
Le Bon Ménage (English: The Good Household) is a one act comedy by Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian. It was first performed by the Comédie Italienne in 1782.
$15.75 30-day returns
Le Bon Ménage, Ou La Suite Des Deux Billets: Comédie En Un Acte Et En Prose Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian chez Brunet, 1783. Drama; Continental European ...
“Le Bon Ménage is a one act comedy by Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian. It was first performed by the Comédie Italienne in 1782. Le Bon ménage is the second of ...
LE BON MÉNAGE. OU LA SUITE DES DEUX BILLETS. COMÉDIE EN UN ACTE ET EN PROSE. par FLORIAN. Représentée devant leurs Majestés par les Comédiens français et ...
$14.75 30-day returns
Print length. 22 pages · Language. French · Publisher. Nabu Press · Publication date. November 5, 2011 · Dimensions. 7.44 x 0.05 x 9.69 inches · ISBN-10. 1271290278.
Download stock image by Actress Mademoiselle Gontier in comedy Le bon menage , 1782, by Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian , engraving, France, 18th century ...
Dec 21, 2023 · Le Bon Ménage. play written by Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian. Le Bon Menage. In more languages. Spanish. No label defined. No description ...
Le Bon Ménage, Ou La Suite Des Deux Billets: Comédie En Un Acte Et En Prose. Réprésentée davant leurs Majestés par les Comédiens Italiens ordinaires dur Roi ...
Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian has 326 books on Goodreads with 583 ratings. Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian's most popular book is History of the Moors of S...