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Level 7 is a 1959 science fiction novel by American writer Mordecai Roshwald. It is told from the first-person perspective of a modern soldier, X-127, living in the underground military complex Level 7, where he and several hundred others are... Wikipedia
Originally published: 1959
Author: Mordecai Roshwald
Genres: Science fiction, Dystopian Fiction, War story, and more
Level 7 is a 1959 science fiction novel by American writer Mordecai Roshwald. It is told from the first-person perspective (a diary) of a modern soldier.
$9.49 Rating
Level 7 ; GenresScience FictionPost ApocalypticFictionDystopiaApocalypticWarHorror ; Mordecai Roshwald ˇ Roshwald was an American academic and writer. Born in ...
Jan 5, 2013 ˇ I recommend Level 7 for all fans of classic science fiction, especially works on Cold War themes. A devastating satire, a terrifying vision, ...
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$20.63 Rating
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This powerful dystopian novel remains a horrific vision of where the nuclear arms race may lead and is an affirmation of human life and love.
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Nov 26, 2017 ˇ Level 7 was the most honest and least hopeful of an entire genre of nuclear war fiction. I remember being the only person in my school, town, ...
Mordecai Roshwald's Level 7 is an apocalyptic science fiction novel that imagines the end of global civilization. The story is told in the form of a diary ...
Jul 22, 2015 ˇ Level 7 is, in comparison, clinical and scientific. The story plays out rather predictably, though. In Wool, I did not know what was going to ...
I prefered the other 3 novels over Level 7. Lisa_Francine | Aug 5, 2020 ... Genres. Fiction and Literature ˇ Science Fiction. Melvil Decimal System (DDC).
Sep 26, 2023 ˇ Community Info Section. Science Fiction, or Speculative Fiction if you prefer. Fantasy too. Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke, Dick, Heinlein and other ...
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Contemporary Education & Reference Fiction Genre Fiction Literature & Fiction Political Science Fiction Science Fiction & Fantasy. Customer Reviews. 5 ratings ...