Ideology and Politics

Ideology and Politics

Book by J. Schwarzmantel
2.7/5 ˇ AbeBooks
′Successfully challenges the notion that we live in a post-ideological age. John Schwarzmantel searchingly questions the thesis that only single issues and identities matter, providing a reliable ... Google Books
Originally published: February 13, 2008
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This book challenges the idea of post-ideological consensus and offers a fresh perspective on the current state of political ideologies. Ideology and ...
Ideology and Politics by John Schwarzmantel. Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd. Publication year: 2008. Online pub date: June 19, 2012.
This book challenges the idea of post-ideological consensus and offers a fresh perspective on the current state of political ideologies.
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This book challenges the idea of post-ideological consensus and offers a fresh perspective on the current state of political ideologies. Ideology and ...
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This book presents an account of an era of ideological politics, where the dominant neo-liberalism has spawned a diverse global range of 'ideologies of ...
Ideology and Politics 1st Edition is written by John Schwarzmantel and published by Sage Publications Ltd (UK). The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Ideology and ...
Rating (6) ˇ Free 14–30 day delivery
Ideology and Politics presents an accessible account of a new era of ideological politics, where the dominant neo-liberalism has spawned a diverse global range ...
Ideology and Politics by Schwarzmantel, John J. ; Item Number. 195426571000 ; Binding. Hardcover ; Weight. 0 lbs ; Accurate description. 4.9 ; Reasonable shipping ...
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This book challenges the idea of post-ideological consensus and offers a fresh perspective on the current state of political ideologies. Ideology and ...
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This book challenges the idea of post-ideological consensus and offers a fresh perspective on the current state of political ideologies.
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