In Surrogacy: A Human Rights Violation Renate Klein details her objections to surrogacy by examining the short- and long-term harms done to the so-called surrogate mothers, egg providers and the female partner in a heterosexual ...
Using a wide range of empirical data from international sources, Renate Klein documents informal third parties as the first port of call, sources of support and interference, and gatekeepers to formal services.
Based on studies presented at the 6th Interdisciplinary Conference on Conflict, Gender, and Violence in Vienna, this volume contributes to the field of interdisciplinary gender research and provides useful information for those working on ...
With examples from throughout Europe and the United States, the contributors to this volume explore how gender violence is framed through language and what this means for research and policy.
Das Buch beschreibt was Mietmutterschaft ist und welche Leute es betrifft. Ich argumentiere, daas Mietmutterschaft eine Menschenrechtsverletzung von Frauen und Kindern ist, und dass sie weltweit abgeschafft werden muss.
"Man-Made Women will encourage women to start questioning the 'miracle' of the new reproductive technologies and to become involved in crucial decisions about their bodies and their lives."-- Back cover.
Diesem Umstand versucht Renate Klein durch die Verknupfung rezeptionsasthetischer Analysemethoden aus der Literaturwissenschaft mit den Mitteln der klassischen historisch-kritischen Bibelwissenschaft Rechnung zu tragen.