Artist Spotlight

10 iCanvas Artists Inspired By Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol redefined the pop art movement. Merging photography and screenprinting, he illustrated the rapid rise of consumerism and celebrity culture of the 60s. As a pioneer of blending fine art with modern vibes and cultural relevance, his work continues to allure creatives and art lovers alike. Which is why it’s no surprise many iCanvas artists credit the “Pop Art King” as inspiration for their creations.

Spanning across subjects and styles, there’s no doubt Andy Warhol’s impact endures well beyond his time. So, in honor of his birthday on August 6, we’re sharing 10 iCanvas creators who credit this inspirational artist and his memorable vibe as one of their favorites. Keep scrolling to discover the work of iCanvas artists who look up to Andy Warhol and his legacy.

Toni Sanchez

If you dig the classic look of Ben-Day dots, Toni Sanchez’s graphic designs have the power to bring the original pop art vibe to your space. Putting a dramatic spin on human emotions and interactions, Toni creates prints filled with passion and humor. Alongside Andy Warhol, he aptly credits Roy Lichtenstein, another pioneer of the pop art movement, as one of his favorite artists.

Feeling this look? Check out more of Toni Sanchez’s work here.

Sasha Robinson

Fueled by a zest for life, self-taught artist Sasha Robinson uses bold colors and erotic imagery to create sensual scenes. Her inclusion of legends like Warhol and Frida Kahlo as inspirations shine through in her incorporation of sexual expression and liberation. You can learn more about Sasha in our 5 Questions With feature on the blog.

Digging this vibe? Explore more of Sasha’s work on iCanvas.

Sean Ellmore

Constantly inspired by music and the concept of celebrity, Sean Ellmore captures iconic celebs and political figures right down to their most recognizable characteristics and styles. Following in Andy Warhol’s footsteps, he’s already gained recognition from some of the stars that have inspired his pop culture portraits.

Wanna check out more pop prints? View more of Sean Ellmore’s art on iCanvas

Robert Swedroe

Blending vivid colors, mixed media visuals and monochromatic geometrics, Robert Swedroe creates vibrant collages featuring imagery of everything from butterflies to famous icons. His love for Warhol’s signature style alongside the geometric vibe of his other favorite, Vasily Kandinsky, shows through in his layered pop culture prints. Learn more about Robert’s work in our 5 Questions With feature on the blog.

While no longer an iCanvas partner, you can find this artist’s work elsewhere online.

Ohab TBJ

Utilizing intricate lines, patterns, and designs often found in ankara fabric, Ohab TBJ creates graphic art and illustrations of strong and stylish Black women. His blend of African contemporary elements with mixed-media realism results in a strong sense of afrofuturism. Alongside Andy Warhol, Ohab is a fan of the work of Jean-Michel Basquiat and Lora Zombie.

Into this style? View more of Ohab TBJ’s art on iCanvas.

David Loblaw

Playing with light and illusion, David Loblaw uses digital magic to illuminate otherwise ordinary scenes. His fantastical creations merge natural elements from both land and sea, often giving off a sense of interconnectedness. In addition to Warhol, David lists James Hill and Banksy among his favorite creators.

Mesmerized by these prints? View more of David’s art on iCanvas.

Forrest Stuart

Using rich colors and recognizable faces, Forrest Stuart paints portraits celebrating notable names in pop culture. Aiming to convey euphoric, happy energy, his work features prominent singers, actors and political figures of all kinds. We’re not surprised Andy Warhol is among his favorite artists.

A fan of these iconic portraits? View more of Forrest Stuart’s art on iCanvas.

Zoya Koinash

Blending cute and creepy, Zoya Koinash creates mixed media illustrations of a surreal world. The resulting colorful and edgy prints are perfect for anyone who has a penchant for otherworldly vibes. Her creations bring together the vibrance and chaos prevalent in the styles of her inspirations, including Warhol and James Jean.

Gosia Gregorczyk

Capturing beauty and harmony, Gosia Gregoczzyk creates watercolor paintings of delicate botanicals and bright blossoms. Free from the constraints of rules or inhibitions, she loves the sense of freedom painting florals brings her. A sentiment Andy Warhol would likely share due to his love for letting chance influence his work.

Love what you see? View more of Gosia Gregorcyzk’s art on iCanvas.

Julia Gash

Julia’s signature style of travel posters evoke that heartwarming feeling of hometown love, and make for a great visual homage in any space. Her detailed landmarks and locations capture the character of each city. In addition to Warhol, Julia mentions other iconic artists like Frida Kahlo and Picasso as her favorites.

Love this location celebration? View more of Julia’s art on iCanvas.

Want to learn more about our artists inspirations along with other fun facts? Check out our 5 Questions With interview series. Plus, check out more Warhol vibes with our collection of Andy Warhol inspired art.

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